The Dred Scott decision stated that Congress cannot do anything about slavery in the states and that people did not have any say in the situation unless they applied admission for a state.
Davis introduces his six relations when he was secretary of war and senator.
At the end of the same year, South Carolina seceded from the Union.
This caused many other states to secede and form the Confederate States.
The resolutions mainly focused on the southern state's beliefs on slavery.
His resolutions were voted on by congress.
After a vote from the senate, 36-19 voted to leave the decision of slavery up to each territory.
This was discussed in Jefferson’s Resolution 5.
Instead of bringing together the Northern and Southern territories as hoped, the Resolutions seemed to have caused the split of the Northern and Southern democrats.
The Jefferson Davis Resolutions, along with the Lecompton Constitution lit the path to the American Civil War.
These resolutions were similar to demands that the North needed to follow for both territories to unite.
If the North would not accept these demands, the South would secede from the Union.
The Lecompton constitution

The Lecompton Constitution was created in Kansas under which Kansas might come into the Union as a state. In an election of whether the constitution would be adopted with slavery or without slavery, the delegates voted pro-slavery. Although the majority were pro-slavery, there were many who opposed to slavery as well. Both Davis’ resolutions and the Lecompton Constitution were pro-slavery and led the path to civil war.
South Carolina secedes

After South Carolina learned about the election of President Abraham Lincoln, the state seceded from the Union. Shortly after, five other states also seceded from the Union, and these states included Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana. These states along with their delegates united and created the Confederate States of America. After Mississippi seceded from the Union, Jefferson Davis left the Senate, and soon became the president of the Confederate States. The Jefferson Davis Resolutions motivated these states to secede from the union and continue practicing slavery.
The battle of bull run

This battle was the first battle that was fought in the American Civil War between the North and the South. The Jefferson Davis Resolutions were a part of what started the American Civil war due to the different opinions of slavery in the North and the South. Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederate States of the South during this time. Although the North (Federals) had an outlined plan, they were not yet ready to face this battle. In the end, the Confederates took the battle and the Federals fleed in terror. Unfortunately for the Confederates, this first victory made them believe that this war can be won easily. The Federals, on the other hand, saw that they would need to train harder for the next few years ahead.
Bleeding Kansas

The Kansas-Nebraska Act brought great bloodshed in Kansas. Since it was not sure when a territory can decide about slavery, both Southerners and Northerners rushed to Kansas. The decision was now up to guns and acts of violence. This relates to Jefferson Davis’ Resolution 5 since this massive bloodshed was due to the state deciding if they are going to have slavery or not.